Originally published August 2, 2019 by Shruti Umathe at ITtoolbox.

ClearDATA Locate™ enables healthcare organizations to build a more cohesive and traceable protected health information (PHI) inventory within Kubernetes workloads available on AWS, Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure

ClearDATA®, the company in healthcare public cloud security and compliance, recently declared ClearDATA Locate™, a new multi-cloud software offering which empowers healthcare companies to develop a more identifiable and cohesive protected health information (PHI) inventory within Kubernetes workloads available on AWS, Google Cloud Platform, AND Microsoft Azure.

Developed with ClearDATA’s Healthcare Aware Distributed Tracing technology, ClearDATA Locate™software solution makes it simpler for healthcare industry specialists to examine sensitive data in transit or at rest in any Kubernetes application, enabling more reliable protection against breaches, improved auditing and a significant decrease in possible damages and fines.

Matt Ferrari, Co-Founder & Former CTO at ClearDATA, quoted, “We’ve come a long way since healthcare was at odds with the public cloud. However, the ability to track sensitive data as it moves from point A to Z was missing from the narrative and represented a huge vulnerability for healthcare organizations. Now, with ClearDATA Locate, payers, providers and life science orgs can have more insight into their data to trace PHI when leveraging microservices.”

In the present scenario, insurance companies and medical providers team up to share and store a wealth of sensitive personal information on the cloud, from addresses and social security numbers to payment information and patients’ health records, with more than 194 million active patients in the U.S. healthcare system.

Faced with sophisticated security, privacy, and compliance frameworks which also includes GDPR’s Right to be Forgotten, the capability to precisely trace large amounts of distributed patient records through ClearDATA Locate give healthcare organizations with a full understanding of the systems that patient data passes through.

With ClearDATA Locate, life sciences and healthcare organizations that face compromised data can effectively save a considerable amount in issued fines by the Human Services Office and Department of Health for Civil Rights and decrease damage to reputation.

ClearDATA first launched the Healthcare Aware Distributed Tracing technology earlier this year at HIMSS 2019. With the use of machine learning technology, the new service makes it easier for healthcare organizations to observe sensitive data in rest or transit through microservices including containers allowing for more in-depth analytics while creating a reliable and continually updated inventory.