Managed Security Services
Value Calculator
Protect PHI in the cloud.
Unlock healthcare innovation.
Use this business value calculator to quicky estimate the value of choosing healthcare managed cloud security, compliance and cloud operations services. We’ll send you a full report with more details.
Annual Cloud Spend
Average FTE cost for compliance, cloud and security ops
Number of clouds in use
Number of FTEs for compliance, cloud and security ops
Your Current Investment
6,240 hours
accessible to support operating a
secure, compliant and resilient cloud
secure, compliant and resilient cloud
12,875 hours
needed by healchare organizations of
similar cloud maturity to be fully resourced
similar cloud maturity to be fully resourced
6,635 hours
and $1,505,295
and $1,505,295
additional capacity you'll need to have the
peace of mind that sensitive data is safe
peace of mind that sensitive data is safe
By partnering with ClearDATA
approximate savings from your CURRENT
annual investment while boosting your
cloud security posture to full strength
annual investment while boosting your
cloud security posture to full strength
appromixate value of resources that can be
unlocked for innovating healthcare outcomes
unlocked for innovating healthcare outcomes
approximate annual savings
for your business
for your business